Download Time Sheet Form

Steps to Create and Submit your TimeSheet for the FIRST Time:

1.  Open on your favorite browser and login to the Nursing      Department page
2.  Click “Download & Save TimeSheet Form” button and save the pdf template into your computer
3.  Locate and open the downloaded time sheet template/form into your computer
4.  Fill-up the necessary fields and boxes accordingly
5.  Save and rename the timesheet template/form (that you downloaded) into a different file name – ex: mytimesheetToday.pdf
5.  Go back to the RNS website (Nursing Department Page) – Click and select “Upload Timesheets”
6. Fill-up boxes and select file to upload. This is the file that you saved and renamed – ex: mytimesheetToday.pdf
7. Send & Done

Note: Make sure your computer has an Adobe Acrobat Reader.  This software will much easier to fill-up the time sheet form.  Please download by clicking this link (Download Adobe Acrobat Reader)