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RNS Health Care Services Inc. is committed to a client-focused service delivery that involves the client, families and caregivers on achieving the highest possible levels of independent living and quality of life through cooperation and communication. We firmly believe that to achieve this goal, clients have both rights and responsibilities, which must be respected.


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  • A client has the right to service delivered in a courteous, respectful manner that is free of mental, physical or financial abuse.
  • A client has the right to service that promotes dignity, privacy and autonomy.
  • A client has the right to be dealt with in a manner that recognizes the client’s individuality and in a manner that responds to a client’s needs and preferences, which may be ethnic, spiritual, linguistic, familial and cultural.
  • A client has the right to be informed about the services which will be received and who will be providing the service.
  • A client has the right to participate in the assessment of client requirements, including development of the service plan, reviews of requirements and the service provider’s evaluation and revision of the service plan.
  • A client is entitled to consent to or refuse service.
  • A client has the right to raise concerns or recommend changes about the service provided without fear of recrimination or reprisal.
  • A client has the right to be informed of all the laws that pertain to service delivery in the community,
  • A client has the right to have all records kept confidential in accordance with the law.



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  • The client should treat the caregiver/service provider with the same respect to which he/she is entitled, without physical or verbal abuse.
  • The client should respect the dignity and privacy of the caregiver/service provider.
  • The client should recognize that the service provider is an individual and must be dealt with in a manner that respects the individuality of the caregiver within the confines of the service provider’s role.
  • The client, families and caregiver should recognize that, having participated freely in the development of a service plan, it is their responsibility to cooperate fully in the implementation of the plan to achieve the desirable outcome.
  • The client should provide a workplace that is free of hazard to the caregiver/service provider.
  • The client has an obligation to report any concerns to the service provider about the course of treatment or decisions that have been made about the course of treatment to the service provider.
  • The client must not request the service provider to act outside the laws that pertain to the delivery of service in the community.
  • The client should maintain a reasonable level of discretion and confidentiality in respect to any records that are left in the home.


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